The CISALI APP from Citizens Save Lives is an innovative application that can save lives. It offers two crucial functions:

  1. Defibrillator locations: The app shows all registered defibrillators in the area on a map. This is important because every second counts in an emergency. If you can find a defibrillator quickly, you can provide crucial help in the event of a cardiac arrest.
  2. First responder alert: In an emergency, qualified first responders in the area can be quickly alerted via the app. They can often arrive on site faster than the emergency services and initiate life-saving measures.

It is crucial that the population is informed about this app because:

  • Quick help saves lives: In the event of cardiac arrest, the chances of survival decrease by 10% for every minute without help.
  • Everyone can help: Even without medical training, you can save lives by acting quickly and using a defibrillator.
  • Community responsibility: The more people use the app and know about defibrillator locations, the tighter the safety net becomes for everyone.

The CISALI APP thus strengthens society's ability to respond quickly and effectively in emergencies. It is an important tool for greater safety and better chances of survival in cardiac emergencies.

Manufacturer-neutral, global, free of charge. By citizens for citizens!

Fast, easy, uncomplicated

Your benefits In case of emergency: Simply make an emergency call and alert first responders in the area. Simply report and add defibrillators / AEDs. Defibrillator locations on a worldwide map. Search & find a defibrillator as quickly as possible. Plan heart-safe travel. New features are in constant development. Find heart-safe defibrillator locations worldwide, independent of manufacturers and neutrally.

Find defibrillator locations in an emergency, quickly and easily

With the CISALI web search and app you can easily, quickly and simply find defibrillator locations near you worldwide.

Manufacturer-neutral and global

Free Cisali, defibrillator location and first responder app.