By registering your defibrillator locations on the global, vendor-neutral and independent CISALI (Citizens Save Lives) emergency app, you increase the visibility and accessibility of your life-saving devices. CISALI enables users worldwide to quickly and easily find the nearest defibrillator, which can be crucial in an emergency.

Fast response times

A quick response time is crucial to save lives. The CISALI APP allows first responders and citizens to instantly locate the location of the nearest defibrillator in emergency situations. This reduces the time needed to find and deploy a life-saving device, significantly increasing the affected person's chances of survival.

Promoting public safety

Registering your defibrillators on CISALI contributes to public safety by promoting the availability and use of these life-saving devices. The more defibrillators registered on the platform, the better the coverage and the higher the likelihood of having a device nearby in an emergency situation.

Support from a global community

CISALI is a global platform supported by a dedicated community. By registering your defibrillators, you benefit from the reach and commitment of this community dedicated to saving lives. This creates a network of helpers who can respond quickly in emergency situations.

Manufacturer-neutral and independent platform

CISALI is manufacturer-neutral and independent, meaning that all defibrillators, regardless of brand or model, can be registered on the platform. This ensures comprehensive coverage and facilitates the integration of different devices into the system, maximizing usage and discoverability.

Easy registration and administration

Registering your defibrillator locations on CISALI is simple and easy to use. You can quickly add your devices and update them when needed. This ensures that the information is always up to date and correct, which is crucial in emergency situations.

Promoting Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)

Companies and organizations that register their defibrillators on CISALI demonstrate their commitment to social responsibility and promoting public health. This can improve your organization's reputation and shows that you are actively contributing to the safety and well-being of the community.

By registering your defibrillator locations on the CISALI emergency app, you are actively contributing to saving lives. You improve the visibility and accessibility of your devices, support public safety, benefit from a global community and promote the corporate social responsibility of your organization. Register your defibrillators today and become part of a worldwide network that saves lives!

Register your defibrillators now on the CISALI emergency app and help save lives!