BG premium application for defibrillators: take advantage of the opportunity for financial support!

Many professional associations (BG) support the purchase of defibrillators through bonuses. This is a great way to increase safety in your company and save costs at the same time. Here is the most important information:

1. Apply for a bonus:

Even if you don't know exactly whether your BG will subsidize the purchase of defibrillators, you should still apply. It could be worthwhile and it doesn't cost anything.

2. Benefits of the application:

• Possible financial support
• Raising awareness of the BG on the issue of cardiac safety
• Documentation of your commitment to occupational safety

3. Application process:

• Find out about your BG’s bonus system
• Fill out the bonus application carefully
• Attach offers or invoices for the defibrillator
• Submit the application on time

4. Tips:

• Emphasize the safety aspect and potential life-saving
• Mention training measures for your employees
• Show how the defibrillator fits into your safety concept

5. Alternatives:

If your application to the BG is not successful, find out about alternative funding options or support options for training.

6. MedX5 Support:

We will be happy to help you with your application and provide you with all the necessary documents.
Applying for a BG premium for defibrillators always makes sense - regardless of the outcome, you are demonstrating your commitment to the safety of your employees. Take advantage of this opportunity and make your company heart-safe!

Contact us today for support with your BG premium application. Together we can increase cardiac safety at your workplace!